Thursday, October 29, 2009

Seemingly normal bus driver actions in two parts

1) Last week I was on a bus (standing, of course, since rarely do I get a seat) and I realized we'd been stopped for sort of a long time. I craned my neck toward the front and saw that the bus driver was leaning out his window talking to a man with a little notebook. It is true that there are managers or overseers or whatever you might call them that keep track of buses and talk to the drivers but this, for some reason, seemed different. I wormed my way a little closer to the front to maybe hear what they were saying or see what his notebook said. To the best of my knowledge the bus driver was placing a bet on an upcoming futbol match.

2) Yesterday I was boarding a bus when the driver threw his gears into park and ran off the bus into the nearest kiosko, which is like a mini convenience store. I stood waiting patiently for him to return so I could pay my fare, assuming he was getting a pack of cigarettes since everyone smokes here. He left the bus running, the door open, and the keys in the ignition in the middle of a busy street with a bus full of people. When he bounded back on, he carried only a bottle of water from which he took one sip and then handed back to a woman without looking at her and with whom he seemingly had no connection. She said nothing and, when she got off the bus a few minutes later, didn't even give him a second glance.


Desomniac said...


Crab and Bee said...

That is priceless! Thanks for the international anecdotes, EBeth!

ElizaBeth said...

Actually Desomniac, it's more like GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Daruma-san, my pleasure. I hope to keep them coming.